I'm ready to retire learn.

Ditch Netflix and burn your AARP junk mail. Now is the time to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Get 5 hand-picked recommendations delivered to your inbox, every month.

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How it works
Step 1
Take a short quiz to help us learn about your interests, skills, and the impact you’d like to make in the world.
Step 2
Receive five personalized recommendations of activities, events, and organizations that fit your interests each month, and select what you want to try out.
Step 3
We connect you with an activity, event, organization, or Act II community member.
Step 4
Give it a go! Our mantra is to prototype everything, and we believe there’s no better way to figure out what you want to do in your next act than to just try it out.
Step 5
Debrief with us! How was your experience? What would you like to do more or less of? We’ll update your profile and send you your next set of recommendations to help you double down on an interest, or pivot when you want to try something new!
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Who is Act II for?
You’re not ready to “retire”, but you’re ready to move on from your “day job” and do something different, something more.  You consider yourself...
Nick K.
private equity firm founder
After a long career in finance, Nick was ready for a fresh start and a little help on taking a leap of faith into something new. He told us that he loved building toys when his kids were growing up, so we connected him with local maker spaces to help him reignite this passion. He dreams one day of owning his own community maker space.
See more Act II Heroes
Accounting, Finance
Making, Building & DIY Crafts, Community
Take a shop tour with Manu, an expert machinist at Stanford’s Product Realization Lab. We’ll connect you!

- Your Act II Consultant
Melissa D.
Former Tech CMO
Of all the work she had done in her marketing career, Melissa was most passionate about writing. She wanted to pursue this further in her Act II, so we connected her with a group of graduate students working on their own storytelling chops. What started as office hours has developed into a new community that she hadn’t yet considered!
See more Act II Heroes
Mentorship, Writing, Storytelling
Given your passion for writing and storytelling, we think you could hit it off with these graduate students!

- Your Act II Consultant
Wanda K.
Former Healthcare Executive
Wanda spent most of her career in healthcare, but she didn’t want her Act II to be focused on just one thing like her Act I. After learning of her passion for fashion and desire to give back, we recommended Dress for Success - and she loved it! Looking for more, Wanda is ready to try experiences exploring her other interests and diversify her Act II portfolio.
See more Act II Heroes
Healthcare Administrator
Non-Profits, Fashion, Mentorship
With your fashion sense and non-profit experience, this could be a perfect fit.

- Your Act II Consultant