How do I get matched to my recommendations?
We know that you are more than your career, so we get to know you beyond your job titles in our Interests Quiz. Your responses help us to understand you as a person (there’s a real person on our end - not just a machine - reviewing it all).

Our questions are specifically designed to get to know you as if we met you face-to-face, but with the flexibility of connecting with us at your own pace. We pair each member with their own Act II consultant, your behind-the-scenes expert who creates your personalized recommendations.
What does a recommendation consist of?
A recommendation is a suggestion for a specific event, organization, or person in our network who has been hand-picked based on your Interests Quiz responses. You tell us you’re interested, and we’ll connect you to the event or introduce you to the relevant organization or person to pursue your next step.
Do you connect me to jobs?
No. We’re not a job placement site. We do recommend organizations such as non-profits or volunteer opportunities. These may help inspire you to pursue a paid opportunity in a similar field on your own, but we do not connect you to paid work opportunities.
What’s the difference between you and a life coach?
We focus on being action-oriented by helping you identify options and execute a plan. We know that finding the right activities to pursue takes time; let us take care of the “finding” so you can focus on doing. Life coaches spend time with you in guided assessment and reflection.
What if something happens in the middle of my Act II journey (family emergency, major life event, health complication, etc.) and I’m not able to continue?
We understand that life happens! Our current plan is set up so that you receive 5 recommendations every month since we’ve found that most people like this cadence; it keeps you accountable but doesn’t overwhelm you with options. If something comes up, you can always bookmark recommendations to pursue at a later point if you’re excited about something but don’t have the time just yet.
How long will I need to join for?
We believe that discovering your next act is not just about receiving monthly recommendations, but about the iterative process of doing and reflecting about what you’ve learned. Because of this, we require customers to sign up for a minimum of 3 months of recommendations.

However, the total amount of time you’ll need will depend on where you are in your journey when you join us. If you haven’t devoted too much time reflecting on what you’d like to do (don’t worry, most people fit into this bucket!), you may need 6 months to a year or more. Everyone is different, and there is no one-size-fits all answer!
Do I get to talk to a person?
Currently we do not offer in-person consultations, but please contact us if you have feedback on how we can improve. If your question is specifically related to your recommendations, we’ll loop in your Act II consultant too!
Do you sell my data?
No. We use your data to help us provide you with recommendations that you love. That’s it.